Channel: ASCENSION PROCESS – Messages from Our NEW Universe
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Earth & Energy SpinningStarS 2014-03-22 Update



SpinningStarS eNewZ Update

March 22, 2014

Hosted by Saleena Kí

All writings and art here are Copyright 2014 to Saleena Kí aka Joan Ov’Art unless specifically noted. Please feel free to pass along the whole eNewZ or link to it online, if it is posted on the my blogs or website or in the Archives. Ask permission for publishing rights of any kind. Contact: saleena at vibrakeys dot com


Included in this eNewZ:

Earth & Energy Report

The BEST NEWS is Happening NOW!

Sustainable Lifestyle; Making it an Adventure Step by Step

Spring is Here!

Starting Seeds

Making Your Own Mediums to Grow Things In

Blend Your Own Seed-Starting Mix

Build a Compost Screener

Making Your Own Mediums to Grow Things In

Make Your Own Potting Soil

And No More Miracle Grow-Monsanto!

Compost; Can it Really Be That Simple?

Easy Composting with Leaves

Wonderful Worms


Earth & Energy Report

The BEST NEWS is Happening NOW!


Aloha ALL You Beautiful Beings!

Saleena Note 2014-05-08: The energy challenges this last few months have reflected in me as beginning to write with every intention to send it out and then it sits in my drafts waiting for me to come to some more quiet and stable place where I can follow through. I just found this in my drafts, dated March 22, 2014. It still seems pertinent, so I will share it now: 

What amazing new waves of energies are flowing into the Earth realm, into our bodies, rearranging everything! What ups and downs and ins and outs we are experiencing!! Our emotions have had a royal workout! Waves of unnamed fears, sadness, deep grief interspersed with bouts of jittery joy, lighthearted happiness and blissful harmony just show up. As long as you ride them through without attaching too much story, especially from the past, we move through them quickly. I suspect it is a massive planetary level, maybe even Creational, clearing and shift going on. The higher the energies rise, the higher you vibrate and the faster the old stuff pops up and must be released or wrecks crazy-making havoc with your life or health. It all depends on where you focus. It is a wild and exhilarating ride as long as you can keep you bigger picture perspective of it.


I just found this in my 2012-11-01 eNewz, just like what I was attempting to describe!


“My sister, Mary, described the energies flowing in from Galactic Center as one sharp steep continuous sine wave that is getting so steep and close together, like transitional labor phase during the birthing process. 


They seem to shoot us into ecstasy, joy and bliss, then plunge us into the deepest old stuff; anger-despair-pain, nitty gritty, jagged odd sensations, etc; grungy old stuff we haven’t known how to deal with and clear until now. Then right back up to peace-joy-harmony-bliss-love-inspiration. Up and down bobbing like a Yo-Yo! Sometimes rather rapidly… its rather tough if you want to hold onto anything… “



The most amazing crystalline energies are presenting here Now!  Transparency is moving in and taking over. Look around, there are signs of it everywhere. People are seeing through the lies faster and faster and standing up and calling out for a new way of life here and now.


A brand new Creation is available to choose to live within, one that doesn’t have to be fixed, it isn’t broken. I hear that at some level we all co-created it. It is easy to access and brings about powerful changes in your life in a whole new way.


Read more about it here:

Creation3 Portal


There is a new Genetic Blueprint we call SOAR available now.


Enjoy Colin Whitby’s DNA Meditation to touch into it.


People are waking up! Having new ideas and urges. Amazing solutions and inventions are popping up everywhere. New technologies are actually in production now. It won’t be too much longer before all the solutions we need will be available. Many are already. People are gathering together to learn about and co-create new ways of living on our beloved Mother Earth NOW. The younger people are astonishing us with their wisdom and creative solutions.


The more you live in gratitude and appreciation,

The higher your frequency rises.

Life is full of MINI MIRACLES every day NOW,

if you just take the time to take a deep breath & notice.




Sustainable Lifestyle;

Making it an Adventure Step by Step


I am so Passionate in this NOW moment about creating and co-creating a Sustainable Lifestyle. There is much to it. It is a grand adventure! A whole new way of thinking and acting. Choices to make. Living my life with a totally different come from. There is so much to do to shift myself & my desire-plan is to move myself into sustainability in every area of my life. Once my decision-commitment was made, it is now an ongoing process; a rethinking of what I do every day, what I buy, from whom, are they doing business responsibly, am I being conscious and responsible in my daily choices, what do I do with the left overs (food scraps, trash, packaging) how to set up a living situation that sustains itself and me and keeping it all aligned with the bigger picture of ALL of us re-creating how we live together on our Beautiful Planet Earth. Mix in lots of LOVE from many dimensions and I am having lots of fun studying all the ways to do this and implementing things little by little as I am inspired.


Spring is HERE!


Spring is here! YEAH! And my daydreams, thoughts and actions are beginning to move to fresh organic food production, flowers for beauty and to help support and encourage the Pollinators, gardening in the easiest most productive and fun ways, composting, Square Foot Gardening and learning more and more to communicate with Nature so we can co-create an environment that is more nurturing, nourishing and harmonious together.


Starting Seeds


I have my seeds all spread out on the kitchen table, and in piles according to their planting times. Today I made my own newspaper cups and stuffed them full of seed starting mix I bought… I tried all the different ways, there are so many, and finally found it was easier to make them without the bottle or can. Once I got the hang of it, it was easy.


I hadn’t yet thought of making my own Seed Starting mix, so when I ran out, I did… In the process of looking I found several inspiring websites and instructionals to get me even more inspired. This will be the first year I really start my Square Foot Gardens and I am going to test out several ways of growing. I am looking for the easiest and most effective ways to have fresh food year round. Step by step, I am having fun with the process. By allowing myself to savor each little thing I do and being patient with myself as the rest is unfolding enhances my experience and I know that more will get done when it gets done, I stay enthusiastic this way. I find when I am ready, I will find the instruction and ideas I need and everything comes together to create the next step.


So here are a few ideas to get started:


Making Your Own Mediums to Grow Things In


Blend Your Own Seed-Starting Mix


How to make your own seed-starting mix.



·        4 parts screened compost

·        1 part perlite

·        1 part vermiculite

·        2 parts coir

·        Coir /ˈkɔɪr/ is a natural fibre extracted from the husk of coconut  Coir fibres make up about a third of the coconut pulp. The rest, called peat, pith or dust, is biodegradable, but takes 20 years to decompose. Once considered as waste material,[10] pith is now being used as mulch, soil treatment and a hydroponic growth medium.[3]



Build a Compost Screener


I had already been thinking of making a screen to sift my lovely black gold compost I made over the last 2 years. I just have a black square compost bin with a lid. I am looking for my next inspiration to make it even better… Since part of the recipe above includes screened compost, I found this:


Prevent rocks and plastic from getting into your compost by creating a compost screener.




Make Your Own Potting Soil

And No More Miracle Grow-Monsanto!


It gets pretty expensive to buy Potting Soil, especially if you are going to build Garden Boxes. Something like starting a Food Forest can be exciting and expensive. So keeping this in mind I found this. Part of the commitment to live sustainably includes finding out one of your favorite products is being created by an irresponsible company, and then it is time to find alternatives and change your approach to certain ways you do things.


Master gardener Larry Hall out in Minnesota recommends mixing up your own potting soil, and saving plenty of money! 

Please note: Miracle Grow is mentioned in this video as a positive product (although not used in the featured recipe). Nextworldtv does not endorse the use of Miracle Grow, or any Scott's product as its parent company is Monsanto. 

I am no longer going to support them, boycotting them after learning about the extensive and insidious harm GMO is doing to us and the Earth.

Use this instead and skip the Miracle Grow!

Here is his recipe:

2 five gallon buckets full peat moss
1 five gallon bucket well rotted horse manure or compost or worm castings
1 and 1/2 cup Garden Lime
1 large coffee can full of Perlite
1 handful of Epsom Salts


Saleena Note:In Square Foot Gardening he recommends Vermiculite over Perlite and at least 5 different kinds of Compost. and Rock Dust. Once this mix is made the only addition before each new planting season is more compost.

-Bibi Farber – See more




Here is a

Composting 101 Video



Here is a great

Reference List for Composting



Here was the first thing I learned from it:


I had been thinking about starting a Worm Bing. We used to have one when I was a kid, though it was for fishing. Here is a simple way to Recycle Produce Kitchen Scraps to Create Your Own Plant Nutrition:


Let the Worms do the Work-Vermicomposting


I didn’t realize how easy making worm casting compost was! And it can be in the house, too, if managed right. Then all those good produce leftovers don’t go down the sink and you get amazing nutrient rich compost for your indoor plants, outdoor plants, garden or even lawn. I am going to get started right away! I bet I can easily round up a plastic bin to get started. I have lots of newspaper and leaves and certainly lots of kitchen scraps to offer. Dirt is easy. My neighbor had one last year, I will ask her tomorrow where she got the Red Wigglers.




Can it Really Be That Simple?

Everything You Know About Composting is Wrong: Mike McGrath


Very funny, entertaining and informative TEDTALK. Learn about SPBs…

“If you are doing hard work for gardening, you are not paying attention.”

After listening to this one, it all came together for me in a much much much easier way. Now, even though I shared these other links about Composting, you may decide not to even go there! I am happy to say, I had already decided to start a Worm Composting system for my Kitchen Produce Scraps.



New Categories & Pages added to
Messages from our New Universe Blog


Nature Spirits & Elementals Portal

BEE Kind to BEEs

Create a Space of Love – Anastasia

Healthy Beauty & Home

Living Water – Higher Dimensional Technologies

Wave of Love-LOTS of Ideas-Resource




New SaleenaKi.com (in process & making progress)

OmniD-Travel Adventures (in process & making progress)




Sessions & Readings & Services



Sessions & Readings

OmniD Session

OmniD Travel Adventure Session Details

Sublime Health Project Portal

Session Testimonials & Stories

SARA Future Selves

Hirogsna-Untangling-Circle of Life-Spinning Torus

Hi-Vibe Living Skills



New Offerings Soon


I have been excitedly creating several new offerings; a new kind of personal session called UPLIFT! and a long awaited ongoing Group Adventure Course called Exploring Our OmniDimensional Natures. I have some more tweaking to do and will be sending out an announcement as soon as they are ready…


I hope you find some new ideas and inspiration here that resonant and are enjoying your life and taking a few steps toward designing, co-creating and living your own SUSTAINABLE Lifestyle more in harmony with the New Earth. Much love flowing to ALL of YOU… May you ride the waves with skill and ease,


Saleena Kí

Who Is Saleena Kí?


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All writings and art here are Copyright 2014 to Saleena Kí aka Joan Ov’Art unless specifically noted. Please feel free to pass along the whole eNewZ or link to it online, if it is posted on the my blogs or website or in the Archives. Ask permission for publishing rights of any kind. Contact: saleena at vibrakeys dot com



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